Its rather simple!
IRS gives you 30%, NJ State program offers 15 years of checks that could be 30 to 50% of the cost and the savings turns everyones solar in NJ into cash positive.
Call for Positive Cash FlowLoyalty Dr Solar
Puts 2% of the net cost into a 20 year self internal program and we will put in writing you will get you investment back in 20 years. Call for information

ROAR Solar
OLD ROOF – We will Rip Off And Reinstall the Solar so you can get your roof replaced. Starting at $170 per panel.
IRS and NJ
The IRS will subsidize up to 40% of the cost and the state of NJ program will pay 30 to 60% of the remaining balance.
WHAT WE DO Solar – Charging Stations – Remove and reinstall for re-roofs and insurance claims!
We provide
design and installation of solar PV panels for you.
Perfect 5.0 reviews accross all review boards.

We provide solutions with care. Offering Removals for New Roofs at $160 per panel.
Remember the IRS and the state of NJ will help you reduce or eliminate your energy company.

Residential Solar
We have a portfolio of around 60% residential installs which include a large core of Non-profit installs in group homes.

Non-Profits and Military
We have won and continue to install a large state wide Non-Profit group housing entity in New Jersey. We completed 2 Installation on the Marine Base in Virginia at Quantico.

For your Business
New Jersey’s new SREC-II program subsidizes and pays 30-60% or more of the solar installation cost.
732-558-3368 Same number since 1997
Contact us
Please do your homework and call the Doctor and we will guide you the right way.